Changing Customs and Traditions
The Nisei were a transitional generation. This transition extended to customs surrounding weddings and funerals. The older Nisei still practiced many of the traditions they had learned from their parents. The younger Nisei started to question the validity of some of those rituals. Slowly, many of the rituals were dropped or blended with newer ideas.
Weddings used to be arranged by relatives or friends but young people began to choose their own partners. A "go-between" was often still named for the sake of formality.
Funerals were historically conducted with a lot of rituals. The practice of "koden" (monetary offering) was established to help the family defray funeral costs. Though this is often no longer an issue, the offering of koden still takes place. The tradition of an all-night vigil, however, is no longer practiced.
Faith and Frank Sato on their wedding day, Raymond, Alberta, 1947.
Courtesy of Rochelle Sato.
The Sato Wedding
“During the evacuation, our family was sent to Taber. I courted a few girls around Taber and then I finally decided to settle down with my beet field sweetheart. I met her through her brother I worked with during the winter at Rocky Mountain House. Our families only lived ¼ mile apart and later worked together in the beet fields, helping each other out.
“In the old Japanese tradition, we were supposed to have go-betweens. Though we didn't need one, we took the old tradition. We got married in the Taber Community Hall on January 30, 1947 with the full regalia, including a best man and a bridesmaid. We were married by the Raymond Buddhist Minister, Reverend Shinjo Ikuta. We had about forty people attend. After the wedding, we had a sit down supper, a mixture of Japanese and Chinese food prepared by local ladies, and a lot of beverages.
“We left for a month honeymoon in New Westminster and stayed with good friends. After coming home, life returned to normal and we blended into the community.”
Frank Sato